[Programs in JS]
1.WAP in Javascript to display your name.
2.WAP in JS to input any number and display it.
3.WAP in JS to input any 2 numbers and display the sum.
4.WAP in JS to input any 2 numbers and display the product.
5.WAP in JS to calculate the simple interest.
- WAP in JS to calculate the area of circle.
7.WAP in JS to calculate the perimeter of circle.
[p=23.14r] - WAP in JS to input any number and check it is divisible by 2 or not.
WAP in JS to input any number and check odd or even.
9.WAP in JS to input any number and check it is divisible by 10 or not. - WAP to display the numbers from 1 to 10.
11.WAP to display the numbers from 10 to 1. - WAP to display the even numbers from 1 to 10.
- WAP to display the odd numbers from 1 to 10.
14.WAP to display the multiplication table of a number. - WAP to display the factors of a number.
16.WAP to input any number and check prime or composite.
17.WAP in Javascript to display your name using function.
18.WAP in JS to input any two numbers and display the sum using function.[model set]
19.WAP in JS to calculate the simple interest using function.
20.WAP in JS to calculate the area of circle using function.
21.WAP in JS to input any number and check odd or even using
22.WAP to display the numbers from 1 to 10 using function.
23.WAP to display the multiplication table of a number using function. - WAP in JS to input any number and display its factorial using function.
- WAP in JS to display the fibonacci series upto 10th term:
1 1 2 3 5……upto 10th term.
26.WAP in JS to display the following series:[model set 2][5]
1,4,9,16……..100 - WAP in JS to create a mark sheet using if structure and the grades based on the
Percentage Grade
=90 A+
=80 and <90 A
=70 and <80 B+
=60 and <70 B
=50 and <60 C+
<50 C [model set 1 and 8 marks]
- WAP in JS to display the day of the week.[5]
Concept of form validation:
Once the client or user entered all the necessary data and press the su